INSTRUCTIONS: When given the verbal OK to start, just write your name in the space provided. That's all, nothing else. Not following the instructions will mean zero credit for the test. Ok, all joking aside - there was a Political Science teacher in my high school who once gave a test to her students. But the test was not testing on subject matter, it only tested their ability to follow instructions. Those who answered the rest of the questions that appeared on the test paper FAILED the test!!!
1. Which is something that can NOT be observed in "Two"?
A. the girl throws things at the guy
B. there is a cage with dead birds in it
C. the girl wears a wedding dress
D. the girl finds a dead body
E. the guy goes to a lookout tower
F. nonsense! All of these things happen.
2. The flight of "The Arrival" is:
A. 307 out of Des Moines
B. 807 out of Amsterdam
C. 507 out of Boston
D. 107 out of Buffalo
E. 007 out of Miami
3. The people who stop by Lavinia Godwin's house are, in order:
A. Sergeant Abbe, one-eyed horseman, Jud, Charlie Constable, Abraham Lincoln
B. Sergeant Abbe, Charlie Constable, one-eyed horseman, Jud, Abraham Lincoln
C. Sergeant Abbe, one-eyed horseman, Charlie Constable, Jud, Abraham Lincoln
D. Sergeant Abbe, Charlie Constable, one-eyed horseman, Abraham Lincoln, Jud
E. Sergeant Abbe, one-eyed horseman, Charlie Constable, Abraham Lincoln, Jud
F. none of the above is correct
4. Fats Brown is summoned to the pool hall in __________.
A. New York
B. Chicago
C. Los Angeles
D. Syracuse
E. Cortland
F. Hook's Landing
5. In "The Mirror", Ramos Clemente dies___________.
A. first
B. last
C. second from last
D. second
E. third
6. How much do the guys (combined) bet that Conny Miller won't visit Pinto Sykes' grave?
A. $20
B. $40
C. $60
D. $80
E. $100
F. none of these amounts is correct
7. What is seen on Anthony's TV in "It's a Good Life"?
A. a gorilla
B. a flock of sheep
C. a rooster
D. a dinosaur
E. a one-eyed monster
F. a gopher with three heads
G. they all are
8. Gunther Lutze moved to __________, changed his name to _________, and returned to visit his old haunts ______ years later.
A. South Africa ; Mr. Schnorr; 15
B. Switzerland ; Mr. Schnorr; 16
C. South America ; Mr. Schmidt; 17
D. Boston ; Mr. Schmidt 18
E. none of these is correct
9. The Schuster family of "The Midnight Sun" is on their way to__________.
A. Calgary
B. Toronto
C. Miami
D. Dallas
E. Chicago
F. somewhere up north
G. somewhere down south
10. What falls off the old man's window sill in "Still Valley"?
A. sculpture
B. burning candle
C. book on witchcraft
D. flower pot
E. nothing
F. vase
11. Which is NOT one of the things that can be observed in "The Jungle"?
A. dead human finger
B. baubles of a witch doctor
C. eagle claw
D. lion's tooth
E. goat carcass
F. poison dart frog
G. they can all be observed
H. Nonsense! none of these can be observed
12. The name of the repair shop in "Once Upon a Time" is
A. Sam's Repair Shop
B. Southside Repair Shop
C. Jack's Fix-It Shop
D. Handy Homer's
E. A-Boy Service Shop
F. Bob's Fix-It Shop
13. What charity is collecting dolls for children ("Five Characters in Search of an Exit")?
A. Valley Home for Wayward Girls
B. Valley Village Girls Home
C. View Park Girls Home
D. Valley View Girls Home
E. none of these are correct
14. "A Quality of Mercy" takes place in ____________.
A. Vietnam
B. China
C. Hawaii
D. The Philippines
E. Okinawa
F. Normandy
G. none of the above are correct
15. Paul Radin refused a direct order from a general and planted his crib notes on an innocent student. What was the third thing he did?
A. stole the church collection plate funds;
B. shoved a boy down an elevator shaft;
C. led a practical joke that went horribly awry;
D. drove a girl to suicide;
E. drowned a stray cat;
F. burned a church to the ground as part of a prank.
16. How does Wanda Dunn get her food?
A. the Salvation Army;
B. the soup kitchen on the next block;
C. meals on wheels;
D. from a lady she knows;
E. none of these is correct.
17. The name of the apartment building where Dane and Wilma live is:
A. Royal Crest
B. The Fillmore
C. Fontaine Tower
D. Kingery Place
E. Chateau Beechwood
F. The Oasis
G. none of these is correct
18. How many years has Ellis Fowler been on the job (give or take a year)?
A. 30 years
B. 40 years
C. 50 years
D. 55 years
E. 35 years
19. Where is the house that Cavender gives to Agnes Grep?
A. Sutton Place
B. Morgan Place
C. Royston Place
D. Woodview Place
E. Monaco Place
F. Bronson Place
20. How long has the original mother of Tom, Anne, and Karen been dead?
A. a year
B. two years
C. three years
D. less than a year
E. more than three years
21. Which is something that can NOT be found in "Young Man's Fancy"?
A. a 1936 magazine with Carole Lombard on the cover
B. ice cream cones
C. a record playing "The Lady in Red"
D. pan of fudge
E. "Fine and dandy!"
F. B and E
G. C and E
H. B and D
I. A and D
22. Finish the quotes from "The Dummy", from Frank to Jerry.
"How many ________ buck an hour visits?" "It means I'm resigning. You keep your ___ percent, I'll keep my ______________."
A. fifty ; ten; integrity
B. twenty ; twenty ; dignity
C. thirty ; ten ; self respect
D. forty ; twenty ; self respect
E. thirty; ten ; dignity
F. twenty; ten ; self respect
G. forty ; twenty ; dignity
H. none of these is correct.
23. How much does John Holt pay to be transformed?
A. ten thousand dollars
B. twenty thousand dollars
C. two thousand dollars
D. one thousand dollars
E. five thousand dollars
F. none of these is correct
24. The story of "The Gift" takes place in:
A. Mexico
B. Tijuana
C. Texas
D. New Orleans
E. Las Vegas
25. Bill of "Little Girl Lost" is__________.
A. a physicist
B. an accountant
C. an engineer
D. a researcher in the supernatural
E. a biologist
F. a chalkmaker
26. David Gurney lives on____________.
A. Orangestone Avenue
B. Orangerock Avenue
C. Lemonview Avenue
D. Lemonrock Avenue
E. Orangeview Avenue
F. Limerock Avenue
G. Limeview Avenue
H. none of these is correct
27. Where does Craig get more water in "The Little People"?
A. waterfall
B. stream
C. he makes it using a confidential condensation device rigged up with spaceship equipment
D. lake/pond
E. from the little people
F. none of these is correct
28. What is the name of the young doctor that Oliver Crangle tattles on?
A. Kurt B. Meyers
B. Kyle T. Meyers
C. Kurt R. Meyers
D. Kurt J. Lucas
E. Kyle R. Lucas
F. Kurt M. Lucas
G. none of these are correct
29. Which statement is TRUE about Somerset Frisby?
A. Frisby says he was a general in the intelligence division in the Battle of the Marne
B. Frisby says that he wrote a doctoral thesis called "Meteorology and You"
C. Frisby says that he beat a computer in a complex mathematical battery
D. Frisby says that he was commissioned by Henry Ford to develop the rear engine automobile
E. Frisby says that he graduated from the University of Notre Dame
F. Nonsense! These are all correct
G. Nonsense! These are all incorrect
H. A, B, C are true
I. B, C, D are true
J. A, C, D are true
K. B, D, E are true
30. The rotten Mrs. Gann has a first name.What is it?
A. Adele
B. Astrid
C. Agnes
D. Belinda
E. Annabell
F. Avonelle
G. Buzzy
31. On what date (and in approximately what year) were Hyder and Rachel Simpson married?
A. January 15th, 1924
B. February 16th, 1919
C. September 15th, 1924
D. October 16th, 1912
E. November 16th, 1920
F. September 15th, 1909
G. February 16th, 1914
H. none of these is correct.
32. "What time is it on Earth? Can you tell me that without an exercise in Euclidean Geometry?! "On Earth, it would be____________."
A. 9:00 am.
B. 9:00 pm.
C. 12:00 am.
D. 12:00 pm.
E. 6:30 am.
F. 6:30 pm.
33. "I'll bet all your kids ____________"
A. are born dumb!
B. are born psycho!.
C. are born with a curse!
D. are born with a pitchfork!
E. are born with horns!
34. Marge Moore imagines that she is____________.
A. a woman named Doris
B. a snowflake
C. an ice skater
D. Shirley Temple
E. a compulsive eater
F. a swan
G. Bette Davis
H. more than one of these is correct
35. Charles Whitley is ordered to be put into bed after_____________.
A. he plays kick the can
B. he lights fireworks
C. he tampers with the fire alarms
D. he gets drenched in the sprinklers
E. he goes for a walk, has an Alzheimeric episode, and gets lost
F. he has a conniption fit
36. Rance McGrew: "You stupid clod, this is _________!"
A. gin
B. rum
C. whiskey
D. ginger ale
E. water
F. a complete farce
G. rotten! Call my agent!
37. Which character in "The Shelter" says the line, "Why, you garbagebrained idiot!!!!"
A. Jerry Harlowe
B. Marty Weiss
C. Bill Stockton
D. Frank Henderson
D. Mrs. Weiss
E. Mrs. Henderson
F. Mrs. Stockton
38. In which episode can you find Artie Beechcroft?
39. "When the supervisor comes to claim the bus, tell him I've resigned." Which episode?
40. Which character "plays it like Greta Garbo"?
41. Which episode takes place in Pitchville Flats?
42. Who lands on "the floor of a canyon"?
43. Where does David Gurney work?
44. Which TZ character "lies on the side of shiftlessness"??
45. How much of a discount does Fitzgerald Fortune get for the player piano?
46. Who gets upset by "miserable, emotional scenes"?
47. Name an episode which has a piano player in a bar.
48. What is the name of the building which has a gargoyle fountain at the entrance?
49. "There's been no food or water." Which episode?
50. "The first time in my life I was sorry I was born a woman." Which episode?
51. What is the name of the Chris Miller family's dog?
52. What is Charlie Constable's wife's name?
53. "For my money, you're at the BOTTOM OF THE LIST!" Who says it?
Give yourself 1 point for each correct choice:
1. D ; 2. D ; 3. B ; 4. B ; 5. B ; 6. C ; 7. D ; 8. C ; 9. B ;
10. D ; 11. F ; 12. C ; 13. C ; 14. D ; 15. D ; 16. E ; 17. E ;
18. C ; 19. A ; 20. A ; 21. B ; 22. F ; 23. E ; 24. A ; 25. A ;
26. F ; 27. B ; 28. D ; 29. I ; 30. C ; 31. D ; 32. D ; 33. E ;
34. B ; 35. D ; 36. C ; 37. B ;
Give yourself 3 points for each correct choice:
38. The Changing of the Guard; 39. Cavender is Coming; 40. Jerry Etherson; 41. Hocus...Frisby ; 42. Fletcher & Craig; 43. a bank ; 44. Jeff Myrtlebank;
45. $200 ; 46. Rance McGrew ; 47. Dead Man's Shoes; 48. The Radin Building; 49. Five Characters...Exit; 50. The Midnight Sun;
51. Mack; 52. Susan ; 53. Mary Gregory (Mrs. Henderson).
If your score was:
Over 75 - then you are a TZ Third Season Geek and need to watch "Boris Karloff's Thriller" instead! It's on DVD now!
65 to 75 - then you know TZ Third Season quite well. Pat on the back.
50 to 64 - then you should someday soon be able to get over 75.
40 to 49 - then keep watching the Third Season!
Less than 40 - then definitely keep watching the Third Season!
Thank you for playing!