(sometimes known as Markie/Young Helen Foley)
Check out the Terry Burnham Memorial Project Page!!

Terry's Baptismal Record - October, 1949

"Itty bitty kiddy in a cribby", Circa 1950

Terry with her father, Guy Burnham, February 1964

Terry and Long Beach neighbors, September 1961

Publicity shot, 1964

August, 1961

Circa 1952, Los Angeles

Terry and her mother, "Terry Sr." aka Betty Burnham

Terry and her father

Circa 1954

Long Beach Village Rd. house, 1960 (right about the time Terry appeared on "The Twilight Zone")

Summer 1964

Terry on one of her very first acting jobs - an uncredited extra on "I Love Lucy" in the famous Superman episode with George Reeves (1956)

A backyard prayer meeting!! Circa 1957

"I don't want to be on camera right now, okay?!" July 1959

Christmas morning...and a dreary one at that!! Circa 1965

Family photo, July 1960

Lakewood High School, Long Beach, California
Prom night, 1967

Letter from Terry to her mother...awwww!